Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Penn and Teller - Bullshit! (Fitness and Genetics)

Bullshit is a great show on Showtime that is basically a mini documentary on a particular subject. There is obvious bias but that's the point. P&T investigate a topic and prove why it's bullshit. Most of the episodes are pretty direct and contain great writing and intelligent logic. The topics are typically obvious bullshit that most people with common sense will know. Things like alien abductions, PETA and Fung Shui.

However that brings me back to the episode I watched last night I wanted to write about. The episode being on fitness and genetics and how it's well, bullshit. As someone who eats right, works out and stays active I found the entire episode a bit discouraging and damning. I wanted to dispel some of what they said and even add a bit to the pile of fitness bullshit.

The first argument was dealing with somatotypes and fitness models. P&T stated that the way the industry works is a fitness model with a certain genetic disposition is marketed in such a fashion that he/she convinces us that regardless of our own genetics. While this is some of what the industry does, it's a weak argument.

We need to define the 3 bodytypes of humans, called somatotypes. A somatotype breaks humans down into 3 categories based on composition and genetic factors. The first being ectomorphic. An ectomorph is by definition tall and lean, containing more slow twitch muscle fiber then fast twitch. This is your stereotypical tall thin person that can eat whatever they want and not gain weight thanks to metabolism. The second type is endomorphic. An endomorph will have larger bone structure and easily put on weight. This is your stereotypical overweight person. The third type is mesomorphic. A mesomorph has broad shoulders and a small waist and has a very easy time putting on muscle mass. A mesomorph also has lots of fast twitch muscle fiber. Your typical jock type is most likely a mesomorph. Captain of the football team that is always in great shape.

Now that we have our definitions out of the way I can contradict their argument. Genetic composition is always going to play a major factor. There will always be people that can look at weights and add lean mass. At the same time Bullshit stated that your doomed to your genetic bodytype. If you are tall and thin, your always going to remain such. The only bullshit is that statement. Despite your genetic disposition you can change. Aging mesomorphs may eventually look like an endomorph. Even bodytypes can change. The number one thing is understanding your own genetics. As a tall and lean person, you will have to work 10 times harder then a mesomorph. However proper training and good nutrition will still bring you results and you can achieve your goals.

Now for the part of the show I want to support. The fitness industry in general is well, bullshit. I really hate the mass marketing and personal trainer attitudes that perpetuate an industry that should be based around a positive message. First lets attack the trainers. The amount of useless exercises I see trainers utilize is staggering. The reason they do it is simple: complexity. In the trainer's mind all they think about is how to make things complex. If they seem odd and difficult, you can't drop them and workout on your own. The real approach should be one where you are teaching your client and informing them on how they can approach their life and what to look for in diet and nutrition.

The other side is supplements. Magic powders. Boost testosterone, melt fat. We have seen them all. When utilized supplements may assist one who is doing things properly, but the people buying them are the ones that shouldn't be supplementing anything. Nothing supplements do for you can't be achieved naturally by the body. It's in routine. Keyword of the day: routine.

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