We have come to the end of Jeff Buckley's 'Grace' and we end on perhaps the song that is closest to my own heart and condition. This song has 2 sides to the coin. On one side Jeff is warning a close friend of his that he needs to come down to earth. He has a kid on the way and he needs to be there for his kid. On the other side Jeff is lamenting on his own condition and the predicament of his situation with his father.
I relate strongly to this song due to my own absentee father. Much life Jeff daddy wasn't around for more then a bit at a time and at this point I've really had no contact with him in 15 years. Growing up in such a way does affect you even if you think it doesn't. A certain part of innocence and childhood is taken away. /'don't be like the one that made me so old'/'don't be like the one that left behind his name'/'I'm waiting for you like I waited for mine and no one ever came'/
The structure of the song is very inspired by middle eastern sounds and rhythms. It's mostly wisp and atmosphere. The tempo does change but the main flow always remains until the very last verse. The outro should be listened to intently as it's perhaps the greatest possible outro to a musical piece.
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