Sunday, October 10, 2010

Anti Bullying (Filter - Hatred is Contagious)

Going to step out on a limb here and jump up on the soapbox for a bit. Hatred has to stop. Period. This isn't an option. It's not okay for you to belittle, threaten, harass or assault anyone simply because they don't subscribe to the same station that you do. We are all unique beings that have something great, valuable and worthwhile to offer. It's not anyone's right to take that away from you or hate you simply because you are different. Race, sexuality, gender etc are what makes each one of us unique and beautiful in our own right. We have gay youth killing themselves as they feel it's a better solution then standing up and fighting. We need to pick up our torch and our flag and stand up and fight for them. Difference is beauty and healthy.

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