Typically I cycle to work. It's about 35 minutes per way on a good day. Some days it's a bit longer based on traffic and other factors. Kingston isn't an overly bike accessible city. We have some bikelanes but they really don't form a viable route from the downtown to the uptown. Thus there has to be a bit of sidewalk cycling and maneuvering around cars and intersections.
Anyway the point is, I'm pretty fit. Ontop of a 125kilo cycling week I try to train 5 days a week at the gym. I'm not a super muscular fellow but I'd be hard pressed to find someone as lean and defined. While today I had to take the bus to work, I noticed a growing number of overweight people. Ranging from 50 to 200 pounds over weight. It got me thinking of the stress one singular person can have on the entire ecosystem. How the caloric consumption of one person can be 6 times that of someone who works out and does a ton of cardio is beyond me. Think of the stress we are putting on the planet when in the period of a few years we go from healthy consumption to quadrupling what we are taking from the planet. The effect ripples as first we have to be growing, producing or manufacturing more food. Ontop of that the packaging for such things would be simply thrown away and occupying a space in a landfill. Learn to be happy with yourself or your place in life. Desire to be healthy and live. The environment will thank you and perhaps there will be a tomorrow.
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